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Editor's Note: Pride

Editor's Note: Pride

Pride Month is a reminder to the LGBTQ+ community where we came from, where we are now, and where we need to strive to be in the future.

WE WRAPPED UP ANOTHER UNFORGETTABLE NurseCon at Sea Ultimate Nursing Conference in April, and OMG, it was fabulous! I loved seeing you all, many of you again and some of you for the first time. Thank y’all so much for joining me! I wouldn’t be here without all of your love and support. I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

The theme for this issue is Pride, and there’s no better time to show your pride than during National Pride Month! For me, Pride Month is a reminder to the LGBTQ+ community where we came from, where we are now, and where we need to strive to be in the future. Many of us are able to live our authentic lives and be true to ourselves, but there are still so many who suffer from homophobia, racism, and inequality.

It’s so important that we use this month as a reminder to stick together as a community to love and support one another. It’s also important to encourage allies to be active with us, seeking acceptance and equality. As a teenager, I was forced to go to gay conversion therapy for three years to get the gay out of me! It was a very traumatic experience and made me question myself and life, and no one should ever have to experience that. 

Being proud is the first step to loving who you are. So be proud, whatever that may mean to you — proud for being gay, for being a nurse, for letting yourself shine just the way you were created, and remember to always love yourself no matter what. Pride comes down to love — loving yourself, loving each other, and being more accepting of our differences.

That said, I am so proud of this issue! Like every other Nurse Blake Magazine issue, this one is packed full of all-out nursing awesomeness and inspiration! So don’t miss out on all the wonderful stories inside.

Our contributing nurse writer, Katie, wrote an exceptional piece about what it’s like coming out as a nurse in the workplace. Her personal experience, along with her tips, will surely leave you feeling more confident as an LGBTQ+ nurse or will help your coworkers understand how they can better support their fellow nurses in the field.

We absolutely LOVE finding nurses to highlight for our Nurse of the Quarter. These nurses go above and beyond to make a huge difference in this world, and the Connecticut Nurses Honor Guard does just that! They volunteer their precious time to perform the Nightingale Tribute and Final Call of Duty for fallen nurses. A must-read!


Pride comes down to love — loving yourself, loving each other, and being more accepting of our differences.

Ok, so most of us have seen those movies about robots taking over our world — well, now there’s a company creating AI nurse robots! I mean, I would love to have a little roboRN sidekick to help me get all my shit done at work, but there are certainly some cons to consider. Make sure you read Nursing News to get all the deets ‘cause AI robots are coming soon to a hospital unit near you!

Wait ‘til you read about our amazing Unique Nursing Role midwife! John is a gay nurse midwife from the Castro District, serving families in San Francisco for over 40 years! He sheds some light on what it’s really like to bring new life into this world as a nursing career. Don’t miss it!

So being a NICU nurse is just plain awesome in itself, but imagine also having a creative outlet turned successful side gig. Nurse Brittany let us in on all the specifics about her merchandise that takes a creative turn on nursing, books, and pride-inspired themes, plus so much more.

Y’all, nurse dolls?!? Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before? Luckily, Dr. Nicole M. Brown, DNP, RN has. She created a line of inclusive nursing dolls to inspire children to learn more about the fields of nursing and STEM. What an amazing idea!

During my Shock Advised tour this year, I had the incredible opportunity to perform in Australia and New Zealand. The Sydney Opera House is so impressive, y’all — if you’ve never been there, it’s a bucket list must! I also risked my and my lesbian cousin’s lives in New Zealand!

Being proud is the first step to loving who you are. So be proud, whatever that may mean to you — proud for being gay, for being a nurse, for letting yourself shine just the way you were created, and remember to always love yourself no matter what.

It’s all in Blake Down Unda!

Who saw Nurse Becky rocking her prom dress at NurseCon at Sea? Wasn’t she a beaut?!?! How did she even decide on that elegant gown? Nurse Becky at Prom Night gives you a detailed glimpse at the dresses that didn’t make the cut and everything in between!!

Ever wondered how shift differentials vary across regions? Well, Category Is: Shift Differential enlightens us about the sad contrasts found in nursing pay.

Still dealing with post-COVID BS? Need some tips for passing the NCLEX? Ask Nurse Blake has the answers. Don’t forget to submit your questions to Keep ‘em coming!

I’ll see y’all at NurseCon Orlando in September. Oh, and I’ve also added a bunch of tour dates to my Shock Advised Tour, so come on out to see me if I’m performing near you!

With love and laughter,

Nurse Blake